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motion_lotion73 karma

I've read your work and appreciate it, but I'm wondering about the big picture. Yes, Assad is awful. Yes, the prisons are appalling, but do you think this justifies what was done and what is currently being done in Syria? I am no fan of torture prisons, but it seems like trying to oust Assad -- just like trying to remove most dictators in the Middle East -- has been an absolute disaster. Would you rather keep the torture prisons and Assad's regime or deal with the power vacuum left assuming his defeat? I know these seem like loaded questions and I apologize for that, but I am interested in your perspective on what the best course of action for Syria is... or was really.

motion_lotion3 karma

Hey doc, how's it going? What's your take on this:

When I find a woman I want, obviously I try to romance them and get things going. Things work well for a bit, but I get bored and usually lose most interest. Either I move on or they get tired of me and I don't really care, but as soon as they're gone and inaccessible, suddenly my desire for them goes through the roof. In the cases where I win them back, the same thing often happens. Ever experienced this? Any tips for keeping desire once you are steady with a woman and the excitement fades a bit? I feel bad because I've hurt a lot of women doing this.

motion_lotion1 karma

Underestimating him is one of the major mistakes the Republican establishment made. Hillary would eviscerate Rubio in the general, whereas Trump would not be such a pushover.