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monstermanual2 karma

Why do you think it hasn't caught on? I really love the show, and I don't understand it.

monstermanual2 karma

Guy Branum was tremendous. I also really loved Nadia Kamil and Asterios, and Shelby Fero a little longer back- those guys should all be regulars.

monstermanual2 karma

Are there any frequent contestants you pair with a lot?

Speaking of frequent contestants, Ron Funches seems like an ideal JJGo guest.

monstermanual1 karma

That's a good point I had forgotten about! I'd like to tinker with that idea for my game. This might stray too far from previous canon to work for everyone, but I also like the thought of marks providing more powerful, singular abilities rather than replicating existing spell effects. For example, a Medani might be able to focus to detect threats within a certain radius, rather than having to detect either traps or disease, or so on (and then the find traps spell would represent unmarked wizards' attempts to replicate the strange powers of the Mark of Detection).

Thanks for your answers!

monstermanual1 karma

Thanks! In my game, the PCs are about to delve some ruins in the Byeshk Mountains, and I got to wondering what kind of classic mountain monsters like giants might be wandering around there. For my games I imagine there are probably isolated giant communities in the forgotten reaches, long separated from Xen'drik, and dragons who have established lairs in Khorvaire for their own inscrutable purposes. For dragons who want to monitor the Prophecy, Khorvaire seems like a good place to be.

If I can fit in another question: have you thought any more about the best way to represent dragonmarks in 5e, since your blog posts on it? I like some things about the feat approach, but for the Medani PC in my game I created his dragonmark as a magic item, which I could balance against other magic items, rather than against feats. I think the feat approach to dragonmarks makes them feel a little piddly, rather than mysterious and powerful abilities.