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monptitfeu172 karma

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS Ever since I joined reddit I've contemplated doing an AMA on this, but frankly I was too afraid. I also have Poland syndrome, but it sounds as though a lot of what I've gone through has been quite different from you. I hope you don't mind if I share my experience to give another perspective :)

Prior to surgery, I was less than flat on the right side. Picture starving African child ribs and you'll have an idea of what it looked like. I also don't have a nipple or mammary glands. In an attempt to appear normal, I wore prostheses during my adolescence. I made the mistake, however, of telling a "friend" when I was about 8, who later spread it to other girls. So I was bullied, and it really fucking sucked. I had zero confidence and hated my body. But it did help me learn to pick better friends.

When I was 19, my plastic surgeon decided I was ready for surgery. Unfortunately (or fortunately, if you're my boyfriend) my natural breast is rather large so trying to make both sides even has been a challenge. In just over two years I have had five surgeries (yay Canadian health care system, haven't paid a cent.)

Ever since I began my reconstruction, my confidence has skyrocketed. I was also lucky enough to find an amazing boyfriend who couldn't care less, and I think that has also played a large part in helping me love myself. I've come to terms with the fact that I will always be different, but that doesn't mean I'm not beautiful.

Oh and I also let my friends that know about my implant touch it haha I would be curious too if I were them! Thanks again for posting and best of luck with your new rack! :)

monptitfeu40 karma

I'm glad to hear that in 20 years my boobs could be looking better than ever! I had the tissue expander too, isn't it such a bizarre sensation? Not complaining though, I'd rather avoid stretch marks! Also I cringed really hard reading about having to prove you needed your surgery. I can't even imagine how awful that must have felt :(