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moffstang32 karma

Well, I don't live in the USA, but it would be interesting to know exactly what information can be gathered without a warrant.

Does it include ISP logs, and if so, how far back do those logs remain held.

moffstang1 karma

If marijuana were to become legal, would those charged solelyfor possession be freed? I assume dealing would encompass other racketeering crimes, but it would seem rather pointless to keep prisoners for a thing that is no longer criminal.

moffstang1 karma

I have read it written elsewhere that Afghani people feel the most pressing issue for Afghan security is confronting institutional corruption. When the already poor are further disenfranchised by informal payments for basic government services etc. isn't it expected they will turn to the Taliban en mass? Or is it simply too difficult to criticize the current government when they stand as NATO's only ally?