Highest Rated Comments

modembutterfly51 karma

AFAIK, yes. Plain old sugar, 1:4 water. I use a Pyrex (glass) measuring cup, and bring it to a boil in the waver.

modembutterfly33 karma

There's a good number of people who ARE up in arms about it. You just never hear about them. Seventeen years of being snickered at and dismissed wears on a person. A corporation benefitted from the introduction of voting machines, and from helping republicans get elected. Now corporations are writing legislation and own most media outlets. And with our education system being starved of money for several decades, many people grow up with little understanding of their rights and duties as a citizen, and the importance of an independent media. They've no idea how far we've drifted from being a vital and functioning republic.

Edit: Do you see why Canada is so appealing to us?!!

modembutterfly30 karma

Perfect name. They are so funny!

modembutterfly20 karma

May you be touched by His Noodly Appendage! Ra-men.

modembutterfly8 karma

I'm interested in the connection between hormones and migraine in both pre- and post-menopausal women. How does that change over time, and is there hormone-triggered migraine in older women?