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mitzt1158 karma

If we were to discover evidence of alien life in the next 50 years which would you prefer it to be; intelligent life somewhere in our galaxy, or microbial life somewhere in our solar system?

mitzt472 karma

First, thank you for doing another AMA, I wasn't aware of the last one when it happened.

In your last AMA in response to what your first action as president would be you said, "First action as president is to submit a balanced budget to congress in 2013. So my first action is to start this process which is to create a blueprint for a 43% reduction in government spending."

43% is so specific, I have to ask. How did you come up with that number? What would be a priority using 57% of the current federal budget?

mitzt54 karma

I really enjoy observing the gaming habits of people based on gender because of the imbalance between men and women that I've personally witnessed throughout my gaming life. I even took my 3DS streetpass data from a gaming convention a year ago and graphed the games that were listed as most recently played compared to the gender of the mii. Interestingly, Animal Crossing was about as popular with women as Super Smash Bros. was with men while games like the various Pokemon games and LoZ games were a bit more balanced between which seems to support the conclusion of that game habits study. I admit that it's not the best assessment because of the nature of the 3DS most recently played feature and the fact that it had counted ~100 women compared to ~200 men but it was fun to put it all together anyway.

Based on what I have seen in /r/GirlGamers, it would seem that Overwatch may now have done the best so far in terms of getting more women to buy and play a $60 game at a rate closer to men. Some of that is without a doubt because the game is very good, relatively nonviolent compared to most shooters (in terms of blood and gore), and most of all it has a large, diverse cast of characters.

Also, you make a good point in your comment but I don't think linking to a post in /r/KotakuInAction is the best place to start that argument considering it has a fairly anti-feminist bias just like one wouldn't start a counter argument with a link to a post on /r/GamerGhazi because of its pro-feminist, anti-gamergate bias.

mitzt45 karma

Microwaves are known for cooking things faster than other methods. Apply this logic to something that is instant and voila! Time travel.

mitzt31 karma

I believe blood and gore is simply lumped together but the ability to shoot off arms and heads of the flood might be considered gore. It's also possible melee a dead elite, generating more blood each time and covering floor to the point that the game starts having serious frame rate issues. Last, being able to kill human characters in a game is often used as justification for a harsher rating in Germany and Australia, but I'm not sure if this matters as much to the ESRB.