Highest Rated Comments

missy0702034 karma

I rock out to that in the car with my 11 year old daughter at least once a week. She knows every freaking word. She is going to shit bricks after her grounding from the internet is up and I show her this.

Thanks for answering!

missy0702033 karma

Hi Christopher! Thanks for doing this!

Of all the projects you've worked on (film, television, voice acting)- What one was your favorite, and why?

Also, what is one thing on your bucket list?

Thanks a bunch!

missy0702032 karma

Hi Melissa! Big fan!... One question. If you had to choose just one song of everything you've ever recorded as your absolute fav. What would it be and why?

Thank you!

missy0702031 karma

Hi Anna, thanks for doing this!

Of all the projects you've worked on; which was your favorite and why?

Also, do you have any stories about on set pranks you'd like to share?
