Highest Rated Comments

misscandyfeefee2 karma

I just wanted to say that I love your documentary! My good friends saw it on a trip to slam dance and I was really looking forward to seeing it for quite some time. I wanted to ask how conventions that are not anthrocon differ from anthrocon? I know that Pittsburgh is the furry Capitol of the world and anthrocon is the biggest and most well known convention, but as uncle kage plays such a big role in it, is the atmosphere there particularly different from other conventions?

misscandyfeefee2 karma

That's really interesting! I'll be in Pittsburgh for the next many years so I'm tempted to check anthrocon out but I'm really interested in the differences in quality and experience at different conventions. My friend went down to Atlanta and absolutely loved it so rotating the person in charge must work great!

Thanks so much for the response and congratulations on the good reviews the movie is getting! It's truly fantastic!

misscandyfeefee1 karma

I don't feel like there is anything I can ask per say music wise, I really do adore it all. But, for a bit of a non sequitur question, when I saw a concert of yours at merriwhether you preformed shoeless. I find this awesome and just want to know why that's your preferred way to preform?

Also I adore your music. It can always feel relevant to any situation when all you wanna do is sit and listen to some music confirming others have felt the way you feel at that exact moment. So thank you for that.