Highest Rated Comments

miserablo23 karma

The exchange program can do miracles. My mother had a less than 2% chance of matching the world's population for kidneys. She was top of the list and offered three separate kidneys that were not healthy enough to transplant in about 7 months on the deceased donor list. After we entered the exchange, they found a 12 person chain and we all transplanted three weeks later. We are three years post surgery and it was a huge success. After being denied at Jefferson due to a congenital defect with my proposed donor kidney, I was accepted in another hospital in New Jersey. My kidney went to a young woman under 25. I wish you all the best. The kidney exchange program was a lifesaver for our family. Good luck and if you have any questions on how the exchange process or transplant will go, feel free to message me.

miserablo21 karma

Do you have someone who would be willing to donate for you? Why don't you do the donor exchange program? I did it three years ago and they found a matching chain in less than one week.