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mis4mike68 karma

People say one problem with Marx is that he put economics at the heart of society and left culture, ritual, belief, and community off to the side. The maker movement shows promise to re-imagine community-based production but I worry it's too technically focused or too technologically optimistic.

Can you assure me that creating productive community spaces will eventually lead us to a more just culture globally? How do we bridge the gap between producing the things we need to live and changing the way we live altogether?

Do you think maker-style production will be able to replace capitalism in the long (or short!) term? Are there any areas that seem like quick wins if this is our goal?

mis4mike1 karma

Thanks Bilal! Sorry for your (community's) loss. I tentatively love you too!

I wonder how well "internet culture" bridges gaps between would-be makers around the world. Also, I didn't get the reference to "fire breathing dragons" - is that shorthand for big flashy projects without a lot of practical application?

mis4mike1 karma

Thanks Nadeem! This in particular tickled me a bit.

blur the line between education and fun, as well as the line between school and production

I'm definitely checking y'all out.

mis4mike1 karma

Thanks for the thoughtful response. I'll definitely check out these resources. Also: I would change what I wrote to say "The most essential functions of capitalism" - makes it seem a bit more realistic no?

mis4mike-2 karma

Yeah I mean fuck that kid amirite?