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mintnoises3 karma

Fr lmao this ain't a real AMA. This is just RDC advertising hahaha

mintnoises0 karma

Be careful man. They're gonna use you for the white monkey jobs, then propaganda, then you'll never be heard from again if you don't comply 🤷 stick to movies and getting money, then leave.

mintnoises0 karma

Lots of English speakers have been out of jobs and the CCP is pushing anti-english rhetoric lately though?

mintnoises-4 karma

Check out SerpentZA or LaoWhy86 on YouTube. They lived in China for years and had to escape. I would definitely not go there right now.

mintnoises-9 karma

He has a great achievement for himself (or at least, I'm impressed!), but I doubt anyone in the world has Chinese propaganda movies in their "must-see list" 🤣