Highest Rated Comments

mime4541829 karma

"It was supposed to trigger an emotional response from us, but all it did was make me giggle."

There's no hope for you.

Edit: I try to keep my link and comment karma even. This is going to be difficult.

mime454452 karma

Are you still religious? Do you still think that being gay is wrong?

mime454184 karma

For the same reason that loaning your friend a dvd isn't illegal but ripping it to your computer and sending him a copy is.

mime45416 karma

If you're pro-circ, you should at least know what you're supporting.

mime45413 karma

I don't mean to offend, but do you think that your religion is too tolerant of its extremist factions, or does American media just not provide enough coverage of moderate-Muslim backlash to extremists?