Highest Rated Comments

millertime12161778 karma

Jon, our best tool to bring to light the extensive abuse of illegal naked short selling is DRS(Direct Registration System). Since 90% of GME holders aren't on Reddit, it's imperative we get the message of DRS out to the masses. What’s the most effective way for us to inform the masses of people outside of Reddit about the benefits of the secret weapon of DRS?

Please look at this KEY updated graphic: https://imgur.com/a/owc4qKE

millertime1216444 karma

The short answer is DRS/Direct Registering Shares takes the share out of DTCC’s name and puts it in YOUR name which Is the only way to keep your shares from being endlessly lent out to short sellers or otherwise used for manipulation. It also keeps your shares safe from your broker screwing you over.I’m very happy to help if you have other questions or problems DRSing.

Here’s more detail about how it should force MOASS:


millertime1216100 karma

Thank you so much for your response! It would behoove you to do a shallow dive into DRS. This is definitely the key that Wall Street wants to keep secret

millertime12169 karma
