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mikwee2 karma

My dad's a psychologist too! Anyway, here's a question - Do you think the school system puts unhealthy amounts of stress on students (and maybe even teachers), or pushes them to perfectionism?

mikwee2 karma

Hi Carolyn! Awesome that your mother is finally getting recognition after all these years. Were her contributions useful in things other than the invention of GPS?

Also, I initially read the website name as Hidden Figures due to the movie, but either way it makes its point. There were probably so many women who contributed greatly to science, yet have not gotten as much recognition as their male peers. Here's hoping they are discovered sooner than later.

mikwee1 karma

Hi, didn’t play any of your games. Since you seem to make a lot of historical games, how much historical research do you do for your games? What is your favorite historical setting? Did you ever think of the Middle East as a potential setting? I mean, it’s one of the most historically diverse areas.

mikwee1 karma

I’ve seen some research claiming that “screens cause infertility”, but I don’t believe these researches on the news that sound ridiculous. Is that true?

mikwee1 karma

How much does coal mining affect global warming?