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midclaman2 karma

I have a theory that not all young people have the capacity or attention for learning the same things at the same time. Not every six year old is going to have the Math window open at the same time as other classmates, Etc. So I think an important part of education should be a monitoring system that would illuminate when a six year old is indeed ready for a particular math concept or spelling concept or ...

Is that concept even possible in the education world? If enough money was available could our children be brought along at their pace instead of what some national standard thinks is best? I know the times I had my best educational experiences was when my teachers recognized that my "window" was open.

midclaman2 karma

This whole thread is proof that the elites in this country are winning! Reading the posts between urban and rural sheds light on the divisiveness that has been perpetrated on us by the elites. We all loose when We the Regular Americans, become combative in our opinions about our fellow Americans.

Remember the saying? United we Stand, Divided we Fall? Well, middle class America, we better start watching out for each other. Cause the morons at the top ain't a gonna do it for us.

So, VOTE this cycle folks. Make sure everyone you know does so also. Our very existence as a Republic may depend on it.

midclaman1 karma

So as opposed to individual-instructional pacing, your kids have group-instructional pacing that groups kids of similar skill levels together? And that group has instructional pacing tailored to them? When I went to grade school we were the ones that needed "extra help" to be brought up to acceptable levels. In your opinion do your kids have the tools they need to move on to the next level? I applaud your schools ability to introduce at an early age the concept of civics via participating in the schools society and the community. Ownership is a concept that is critically necessary in our society. Ownership of the things that are dear to our peace of mind and ownership of things that could make us stronger as individual humans. Empathy, integrity, morality, Etc., seem to be traits that are slowly being suppressed and eroded by the direction our society is moving. Instant gratification and greed are not good when in the hands of folks that don't have the empathy, morality, integrity or experience to handle them.

midclaman1 karma

I'm always interested in a little light reading. Thanks for the window of information.

midclaman1 karma

But that relies on the airline's BOARD OF DIRECTORS to do the right thing. I have a vote of no confidence that they would do that. "They" have become corrupt to the dollar. It will always be dollar driven for them. It's the reason Lubitz was allowed in the cockpit on that fateful day in the first place. Not right, shouldn't happen.

Owners of airlines can conveniently look the other way when it's in their best interest. Not right, shouldn't happen. How often does it happen and we don't know it? How many pilots are allowed to fly impaired? Should we include prescription drugs to be exempt? Is it alright to pilot a plane on opioid pain medications or mood enhancers (just to name a few)?

I'm not talking about regulations (even though they should be paramount), I'm talking about morality and better judgement. You know there are pilots regularly flying impaired and mentally questionable. It's happening and it shouldn't be. I know that the majority of pilots are integrity oriented humans and deserve our thanks for what they do. Not all of us can accomplish what they do.

I just wish money didn't have a pull in our safety. The solve is not easy. It involves prying into someones very private life. I guess prying needs to be a dynamic of the job description when it comes to the safety of the general public. When you decide to become a pilot, ships captain, truck driver, train engineer, Etc., you will have to accept the scrutiny and know that you will be paid well for your job.