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mhass24324 karma

I actually drove from NY to MI once, in a Honda Accord nonstop and without a GPS. Took me about 14 hours. I'm just like any SR-71 feller.

mhass2488 karma

Nope, I just roll the windows down and let 'er rip.

mhass2450 karma

I'm gonna go ahead and take it to /r/evenwithcontext

mhass2444 karma

nice of you to step up buddy

mhass2415 karma

People are nuts. Some dude is wiping down his groceries (I hope not produce) with a bleach solution and people are commenting on the efficacy of his proportions instead of telling him he’s being too paranoid and putting himself and possibly his family at risk of exposure to harmful substances.

“I feel like we just don’t know enough about this virus” is not a reason to ignore expert advice. Something about an unseen enemy just freaks everyone out.