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metal_falsetto34 karma

Jon Stewart is great, no doubt, but I think the real heroes of that show are the folks who dig through all the media archives to find video from a few months/years prior in which the jackass du jour contradicts something s/he said recently. Can you give us a little insight on who these Daily Show employees are and how they keep ALL THAT MEDIA archived and catalogued, in order to pull it up within a day or so of current events?

metal_falsetto22 karma

The applicable cliche here is "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

metal_falsetto21 karma

First of, all: Thanks for the music and thanks for the film. I thought it was a solid doc for the first half, but when the interviews with the newer generation of Hackneys kicked in, it became something really magical.

Tying into that, my question is this, for the brothers Hackney: Did you ever, in your wildest dreams, imagine that you'd be playing these songs 35+ years into the future to audiences that weren't even born when you wrote them?

Also, what's the makeup of your crowds, age-wise? I can only assume most of them are folks who found out about you after the fact, but does someone ever come out of the woodwork that you haven't seen for decades?

Thanks again, guys. You're really an inspiration.

metal_falsetto20 karma

Same here. Whether this is good or bad, I'm still not sure, but every time I thumb through it, I can't help but think: "Holy shit. This kid did more in his brief life than I could hope to do in 20 lifetimes."

metal_falsetto7 karma

Hey, now I live in Rochester!