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merijn283 karma

Have you heard of, and if so what is your opinion, on Rian van Rijbroek? (what I am now about to type is a bit from memory, so things may be a bit off) She is a woman the Dutch public got to know when a couple of years ago she was in a news show as a supposed expert on cyber security, claiming to have worked for several secret services. However, people who knew anything about cybersecurity saw that everything she said was bullshit (one term she used, "smart blockchain", became a bit of a meme here in The Netherlands) . It turned out she was invited because she had written a book with a former minister of Finance of The Netherlands. Everybody had a bit of a laugh about this, but later it turned out she has a history of getting involved with business leaders, convincing that a lot of people in the specific company they own or manage are dodgy, which she says she knows because of her connections with secret services, and then making a lot of money. Especially troubling is that her latest mark is the owner of a company that is responsible for the software for a lot of government agencies here in the Netherlands, and she has already managed to get rid of a lot of people in the management because she has convinced the owner they were out to get them.

EDIT Here is a video about it, which has English subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWEdxNWtOpI

merijn27 karma

Lots of journalists, mainly from the newspaper Tubantia (local newspaper of the Twente region, where the headquarters Sanderink (the guy who is her latest mark)'s companies are), but it has been in the national news repeatedly, and the link is one of the several segments that a satiric show made about it. And the latest is I think that she even managed to get an even more prominent position in his empire quite recently, but I would have to look it up.