Highest Rated Comments

meat_croissant2 karma

If you were made Home Secretary tomorrow, what changes would you make?

PS. if I was American, I'd thank you for your service, but I'm British, so I won't.

meat_croissant1 karma

I have an office full of mac users, is there some sort of training course (online) I can take to learn how to setup a good sysadmin environment ?

I need to learn about tools like inventory, that ldap thingamagig for authentication.

Also our airport, despite using a 10 address can only deliver a /24 net of addresses, why can't you set a netmask?

meat_croissant1 karma

Will this game ever support HMDs?

meat_croissant1 karma

Do you think the UK should build new Trident nuclear submarines or is it not necessary since the cold war ended?

meat_croissant1 karma

Any girl would love a diamond her husband made specially for her,