Highest Rated Comments

maxito9823 karma

Did you ever have moments where you felt as though there is a specific reason for US involvement in the conflict, but it was either being kept from you or it was not what you were being told? Essentially did you feel like there was a serious lack of transparency?

I don't mean to sound like I'm wearing a tin-foil hat, I'm genuinely curious, It's just that with all of these countless declassified files and leaks over the course of the past 70 years (CIA / NSA immediately come to mind), it's hard to know when to trust what the gov says.

maxito988 karma

It's not idiocy. What you said is personally offensive, so rather than starting an argument that will never get through your thick skull, all I had to do was make a few childishly phrased comments to highlight just how deranged and ignorant you are - to make the claim that such a massive number of people want to commit heinous crimes so much that they are willing to travel to another country and lay their lives on the line for it. To phrase it with civility, by human nature, we are more likely to violate self-preservation instincts in the defense of others than for what you are accusing all soldiers of doing. I have family that served and they never did anything like that. Feel free to respond with whatever vile and snide comments you want. You'll only make yourself look more detestable than you claim all soldiers are.

maxito988 karma

Did you at any point become so disillusioned with religion because of IFB that you considered becoming atheist? As you said, "brainwashing" could have effected your remaining christian, but was there ever even a short moment when you thought about dropping religion? Perhaps the fact that you couldn't decide immediately which denomination to convert to may have triggered thoughts of doubting the religion overall? To be clear, I'm not criticizing you or general religion, I'm just curious about one component of your thought process throughout the entire ordeal.

maxito987 karma

But have you ever seen someone develop agoraphobia shortly before returning?

Edit: I'm only half joking. Have you ever seen someone become so used to it that returning is intimidating, almost as if they've been institutionalized?

maxito983 karma

I don't know about cures, but physician-supervised MDMA therapy has been shown to help some people.