Highest Rated Comments

matterofprinciple181 karma

Are you a sabrage too/ do you know any? If so have you ever seen any brutal accidents?

matterofprinciple10 karma

Sorry to hear about your experience, it sounds like you're finally on the road to emotional and psychological recovery, that you're in a better relationship now? How much time elapsed during the "trip" and how many of these motherfuckers were involved? Were there other women there when you were? Have you met anyone that went through this since? It sounds like they had enough legal knowledge to really limit your options but have you spoken with an attorney? Sorry for the formatting, doing this on mobile.

matterofprinciple2 karma

This shit is all sorts of scary fucked up. K3ep fighting the good fight and get your angle as much exposure as you can, take the narrative away from them.

matterofprinciple2 karma

...fuck. I had to ask, not gonna research the shit, give em an ounce of web traffic or glimpse thumbnails of rape.

matterofprinciple0 karma

How do you know theres 300+ other girls?