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masamunecyrus160 karma

I'll add--at least this is something that hits home for me--this happened in Turkey.

It'd be one thing if he was abducted and butchered while in Sandia Arabia. But KSA flew an assassination team into a foreign country and murdered him.

People have to do business in consulates and embassies all the time. Fully a quarter of Americans are first or second generation immigrants, and most have no doubt been in a embassy. That number is higher for Canadians, and while it's probably lower for Europeans, Europeans travel more than we do.

Russia has been assassinating people overseas, as well, but for them, it's been primarily ex-spies. Khashoggi was murdered for speech.

The gravity of the message sent--that anyone could be murdered anywhere, for speech--cannot be understated. Imagine a world where journalists that broke stories such as the concentration camps in Xinjiang, or corruption in Iran or Turkey, are murdered in their own homes in the suburbs or Houston or a condo in Brooklyn. If KSA gets away with this, why wouldn't other despotic countries endeavor to do the same?

masamunecyrus83 karma

  1. Get a big LCD TV.
  2. Display black on the whole TV.
  3. Hang a blacker then black shirt in front of the screen.
  4. The shirt will be blacker than the TV.

Additionally, get a variety of black materials and put them on your table as a comparison.

  • Charcoal
  • Coal
  • A Steve Jobs black turtleneck
  • A large paintbrush with the blackest paint you can buy at the hardware store
  • A pair of a popular brand of black socks
  • A typical black suit jacket
  • A black crayon

masamunecyrus48 karma

I'm interested in you elaborating on what to do if you encounter an animal, because I feel that I get conflicting information from nearly every state or national park.

Assuming I encounter an animal large enough to hurt me, say a coyote or larger, and it doesn't immediately run away when it sees me, is there any general behavior guidelines to follow? Or does it vary by animal: behavior for a coyote, a cougar, a deer, and a bear would all be different?

masamunecyrus35 karma

Thick walls on the sides of the house they get sun, and a white roof?

Adobe houses stay surprisingly cool even in scorching heat over here in New Mexico. Then you run your swamp cooler all night to exhaust.all the heat and sort of "pre-cool" your house for the next day. Of course, this may not work as well in the humid parts of Texas.

You could also try making one of those thatch/bamboo sunshade/windbreaks that some places in Asia lean against their house. You could lean a tall trestle and let some ivy grow up it to look less out of place. The benefit, here, is to create an air gap between the thing being heated by the sun (whatever's.on trestle) and the thing you're trying to keep cool (your house wall).

Earthships kind of combine these to an extreme, and are usually designed with a giant earthen berm on the side of the house that gets the hot evening sun. They then run a long vent through the berm into the house to act as a passive air conditioner. The earth stays cool all the time, so the hot air that enters the vent from the outside is cooled by the time it passes through like ~30 ft of cool dirt.

Edit: and, of course, shade trees and canopies everywhere

masamunecyrus29 karma

Hi, Bryan.

I've never heard of you, before, but I just wandered to your site and read your article, "Tell Me the Difference Between Jim Crow and Immigration Restrictions."

I was struck by sentence,

But for the typical low-skilled immigrant, legal immigration is virtually impossible.

As someone in higher education, I'm very aware of how broken the immigration situation is, and how difficult--sometimes impossible--it is for even extremely qualified (e.g., M.S. or Ph.D.-holding) foreigners to get a green card.

Regarding that, I think that you would appreciate this handy chart that I use when arguing with people about how broken the immigration system is.

Immigration Flow Chart

Who can navigate that flow chart? It's pretty damn complex. And even if you try, you almost always end up in a position where immigration is impossible.