Highest Rated Comments

mark5hs2 karma

Fellow MD here.

In what ways do you hope to see VR used in therapy for ptsd?

mark5hs2 karma

By thinking very highly of yourself

mark5hs1 karma

Hi K,

Love your music, can't wait to see you in Buffalo! And fyi, I'm getting married soon and planning on having Manchester played during the reception. :)

Question: Are you guys still going forward with plans for a third album with Jupiter One, or has the success of your solo career sort of pushed that aside? If not, will there be any more touring with Jupiter One in the near future?

mark5hs1 karma

I'm an internal medicine physician. Apart from obvious red flags like incontinence, saddle anesthesia, etc what are times when recommend I should think about referring a patient with chronic radicular back pain to a surgeon?

mark5hs1 karma

Hello, geriatrician here.

There's been a lot of literature about the effect of lifestyle on immune function in terms of diet, exercise, sleep, stress management, etc. For example one study found a markedly weaker antigen response in sleep deprived subjects receiving flu vaccine.

From what you've seen, has there been evidence to suggest lifestyle influences outcomes in immunotherapy? And if so do you make it a part of your counseling to patients?