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mariox191527 karma

I can't imagine what the fuck goes on with Chutes And Ladders.

mariox19496 karma

It was supposed to bother you. The show's creators hit on the idea when they were discussing what they could portray the Cylons as doing to convey their ruthlessness and icy lack of sympathy towards humanity. "Hey, let's have one kill a baby," exclaimed the one. The other's immediate reaction was that that was obviously going too far. Then they decided to put it in.

As they watched the minute-by-minute Nielsen ratings of the pilot, a whole bunch of people changed the channel right after that scene. (Many came back, later on in the evening.)

I heard all this on a podcast, back in the day.

mariox19388 karma

If a muslim community tried something like this here, what do you think would happen?

mariox19348 karma

I want to ask your opinion about the kind of person who succeeds in boxing. There was an article in the New Yorker recently about women's Olympic boxing. (Sorry, but it's behind a paywall!) It included a quote from Hal Adonis, president of USA Boxing since 2009:

"When kids call me up, I say, 'Let me ask you an honest question: have your parents ever hit you?' If they say no, I say, 'I don't think you belong in boxing.'"

The article goes on to say, "[M]any people share Adonis's belief that a childhood scorched by abuse is advantageous to a boxer," and quotes another boxer who says, "You have to have some kind of fight in you. You have to have something to overcome."

What do you think about that? (Whether or not your parents hit you is besides the point). I'm wondering about the "You have to have something to overcome." I don't think baseball, basketball, or other sports are like this. I'm not sure that non-contact martial arts is like this either. What do you think about you and your colleagues? Do you all have "some kind of fight in you" because of formative experiences growing up? Do you know of any exceptions?

mariox19192 karma

My understanding is that prosecutors often decide to prosecute based on whether or not they can get a conviction, irrespective of actual guilt or innocence, largely because convictions are good for their careers, and that there's even a joke among them that goes "any prosecutor can convict a guilty man..." I suspect that if an ADA was on here he or she wouldn't be getting the same hard time that people give to a defense attorney. Is there a double standard? What say you?