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marie_cat19 karma

What is the most annoying thing you hear from people when they are giving their opinions about mental health, basically acting like they GET it, but clearly don't? What makes you cringe?

marie_cat7 karma

What do you think of trigger warnings? Do you see them resulting in more effective discourse, or dampening open discourse?

marie_cat7 karma

Right, so presumably their cases would resolve quicker, as they are not motivated by the same things you cite up top (lawyers trying to make things complicated so they can make money). But to my knowledge, their court matters do not resolve quicker than private lawyers' court matters. What I'm suggesting is that it may be about the clients and basic human nature - not about greedy lawyers.

marie_cat7 karma

I have heard from Legal Aid lawyers that things can be very contentious and it is not about the lawyer trying to earn a big paycheque. They get paid no matter what happens in the divorce. In fact, I have heard that they wished they COULD bill their clients for all the, well, arguing, because it may be an incentive for the clients to work things out and take the reasonable advice being offered by their lawyers. Do you think the 'Legal Aid' context is different?

marie_cat6 karma

Thanks for the reply! That sounds like a pretty healthy attitude.