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mariahhsolstice164 karma

Hmmm I think the people who are here and have been here for a significant number of years let’s say 10-15 and up and have no criminal record, have paid their taxes and done their duties as residents, should be given a chance to apply for a permanent residence here. People with a violent criminal record, who have taken advantage of government assistance, and have not positively contributed to the American society should be given maybe a year or two to gather their things and return to their country before being persecuted and deported. The immigration office should be expanded for them to be able to process asylum cases faster, so that anyone who wants to immigrate here due to danger can quickly do that. The security at the southern border should be greater but I don’t think a wall is what would fix it, I think more ports of entry maybe, and more security, idk I’m not well versed in border security!

mariahhsolstice130 karma

Before trump we could apply for a permit to travel for family emergencies, school or work, now we can’t but I can go to Alaska, Hawaii and any US Territory I believe

mariahhsolstice53 karma

It doesn’t! I don’t qualify so I pay for everything out of pocket, but I could apply for tafsa and certain scholarships

mariahhsolstice47 karma

Hmmmmm no not really, I’m “white passing” if anything I look Asian haha People wouldn’t even think I was born in Mexico or speak fluent Spanish usually, plus I don’t have an accent

People have been more racist towards my parents, which hurts obviously, even though I will say I think what they did was irresponsible and negligent to my safety and future

mariahhsolstice44 karma

Actually it might be easier because now I have been in the US legally and they have done biometrics and have records of my status here! But I do have to pay around 2,000 every two years to renew for legal fees and the fee the uscis charges