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mandiberg-2 karma

I would have to agree with Bill Nye: Those big duck legs would snap, and the little horses would freeze. My guess is the duck legs would snap first.

mandiberg-5 karma

Well, a year or two ago I would have said Marcel Duchamp without thinking, but seeing as he seems to have appropriated most of his appropriations from the Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven, maybe I should say the Baroness is my favorite?

More here: http://www.theartnewspaper.com/articles/Did-Marcel-Duchamp-steal-Elsas-urinal/36155 (seems broken, but this is the main source) And here: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/nov/07/duchamp-elsa-freytag-loringhoven-urinal-sexual-politics-art

mandiberg-6 karma

For the purposes of this project, I don't think it is necessary to update it every month. Maybe once a year. But not every month.

mandiberg-7 karma

Okay, here goes:

  1. My favorite part about being a programmer is being able to alter the tools and structures that increasingly control our world. Mind you, as an individual, you can only do small things.

2 + 3 combined: I have basically zero formal training in programming beyond learning how to program a Ti-82 in my high school Calculus class. I've learned it all from mentors and friends, books (which dates me) like Learning Perl (which dates me even further), YouTube tutorials, etc. So I think the most important thing I've had to learn, is how to learn. Because of the way I work, I regularly have to learn new languages (I had to learn Java to do this project).

  1. I don't think I could do this from my laptop in a few clicks, but if I could change something it would be to make ALL the governments of the world (especially ours) realize the problem that Global Warming poses to the world, and act on it as one.

mandiberg-8 karma

Actually yes, there is an interest in printing the web. James Bridle made a great set of books cataloguing the history page for the Iraq War page on Wikipedia. Kenneth Goldsmith tried to print out the web in a show in Mexico City (obviously a poetically futile act). And Paul Soulellis has been cataloguing this work in books. It goes under the hashtag #PrintedWeb.