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mamavia1821 karma

Hi Kathryn! I found your AMA from Instagram - thanks for being an inspiration to make zero-waste changes in my life!

What changes in your hygiene/beauty routine did you make to reduce waste?

What are some of the more difficult changes you’ve had to make in your life to be zero waste?

mamavia189 karma

Mama Eco has a great blog post on reducing your Amazon packaging. I’ve seen a lot of zero waste influencers share this!

mamavia187 karma

Her brand is GOING zero waste, which I think implies that she is moving in that direction and trying to reduce the trash she creates.

One thing for sure is that the industry doesn’t focus on ‘all or nothing.’ It’s not a club exclusive to only those who can completely eliminate their waste. It’s a movement to encourage everyone to create less waste, as lots of people making small changes can make a big difference for the planet.

mamavia186 karma

Sorry if the caps offended you. I’m not the best at formatting, but italics may have been better suited there.

The zero is about the goal. It’s a philosophy that encourages lifestyle change. In an ideal world everyone would have access to the resources they’d need to be (actually) zero waste.

mamavia185 karma

Would love to hear suggestions that I can offer to very disposable-minded people! It’s hard to convince some people that sustainability is more important than convenience.