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majormajor424 karma

And just to add on... Has Kepler seen 20% dips on any other stars? What were the reasons?

majormajor423 karma

I believe that is the star's designation. The planet would be something like KOI-1573b or KOI-1573.02.

majormajor422 karma

The companion star that is 130 Billion miles from #KIC8462852, what is its name? What do we know about it? Are the two stars a binary pair?

Have certain ideas evolved since publishing the WTF paper? Or are all these hypothesis stagnant until more observations are made?

Has anyone contributed a new feasible idea from any community of fellow scientists, the media, or the social media community since this became public? Seems like you have already covered all ideas that I see people ask you. Anything new that has made you stop and think?

majormajor421 karma

Based on the Kepler sample size and results to date, how close to earth can we expect TESS to find a new Earth-analog planet?

majormajor421 karma

"I think we WOULD call it..." oh, so the M star that is 885 AU from Tabby's is not necessarily proven to exist yet? And therefor you can't say if it is a binary system or just transisting by yet?