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magsy123142 karma

The fire station down the road on the other hand has one of the best gyms I've ever seen, the fire fighters have time in their shifts to use it, and they get the opportunity to eat better, which I think makes a big difference.

Think this is down to, as you say, physical condition not being as important for the police as it is for fire fighters. However, it's short sighted to not have a free well equipped gym for police. Police would benefit massively from the freedom, fitness and respect they'd get from looking fit. (Less likely to get oinked at if you're pure chiselled stone)

Lack of funding and an inability to see non-monetary benefits in the thinking from British institutions? I'm shocked, truly shocked.

magsy12311 karma

If every day you are bombarded with images of people with expensive cars, designer clothes etc etc and no legitimate way to ever obtain these things, then joining a gang who's members have all these things becomes difficult to resist.

I mean it worked so well in America, why not here, right lads?

magsy12311 karma

You are correct. Anyone who knows anyone involved knows it was scapegoating those on the front line to avoid showing how they were failing to protect vulnerable children, including girls in care. Skin colour drew media attention but it's happening in loads of towns and cities across the UK.

magsy1237 karma

I think it's just a perfect example of "step 1", to be honest.

Also, personally think that pretty girls tend to have good stories because they get invited to more things and have opportunities that other people simply never get the option to. She's a good story teller, and nobody is paying me $400 an hour to show off my pasty white ass or look after me while I take a year off from society, so it's not like I can answer those questions.

magsy1232 karma

He even gave me hints like I might be able to persuade him to accept my own belief system

"Sentences that a woman would think but a man would never say" for $100, please