Highest Rated Comments

mactheattack23525 karma

What was the closest call for you, where you actually got away with whatever you were doing?

mactheattack221 karma

As a Tampan (Tamponian? Tampanite? Did we ever settle this debate?), How hard was it to work with the local governments to get the information needed? How hard was it to find the documents you were searching for? Did anyone ever give you any trouble?

Also, thank you for all that you do. I read this article when it came out and thought it was very thought-provoking and interesting. You all are doing great work!

mactheattack214 karma

This is awesome! As a student of USF, I'm proud that they are taking this as an opportunity. Thanks again for all you do!

mactheattack210 karma

Do you have a primary Challenger? If so, how does the democratic party feel about you running with one? If not, do you think you will get one?

mactheattack23 karma

Can PTSD show symptoms like low motivation due to anxiety? As in, can a doctor believe you have depression when in reality in comes from anxiety and motivational problems due to PTSD?

Asking as someone with diagnosed PTSD (military) but being treated mainly for depression. And I know you can't speak specifically to my case, I'm just curious if it can be misconstrued.