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mac-dreidel28 karma

That is sickening to hear

mac-dreidel4 karma

Very large corporations and the very rich would benefit from mega banks (BoA, Wells, Citi, Chase, etc) who helped them get special tax breaks and loan breaks that the average American would never be able to get or use in the first place.

Banks like the ones above are also the reason we are in this financial mess, so would you like to continue handing money to the same groups that broke the country and then used our tax money to bail themselves out?...I'll put my money where my mouth is and never bank with them if I can avoid it.

CUs and local banks FTW!

mac-dreidel2 karma

They wouldn't want your daughter to learn how to manager her money at such a young age (it isn't good for their business model)...but it is probably a great idea to talk to and have her school teach basic finance as part of a class...imagine a new generation who know how to manage their finances!

mac-dreidel1 karma

Try a local bank or an online institution. I am sure if you actually went in and talked to the CU or local bank they would set you up with an account if you had money in hand.

mac-dreidel1 karma

REMEMBER: Every 7-Eleven is a Credit Union ATM...I live in Lake Tahoe and it can be done (no credit union within 30 miles...but lots of 7-Elevens)

ALSO: Most credit unions are part of the co-op network - therefore you can do all your banking at almost any CU! (I go to Greater Nevada Credit Union who are part of the co-op).