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m741500 karma

There are some great new CD's out that I haven't bought yet.

Roger, you sly dog.

m74153 karma

A co-worker of mine met his wife at a party in NYC. He was originally from Ghana... and so was she. Turned out they lived blocks apart and went to the same primary school at different times.

Some crazy coincidences - blew my mind when he first told me how they met.

m7414 karma

Yes I have. It has always cost way more than 50 per day. It's all relative. I mean I work 40 hours a week. I'm not going to spend my vacation in shit holes while eating cold cut sandwiches.

Well, it's all what you make of it. It's entirely possible to do, you just need to set aside your preconceptions. You can camp for free in BLM land (or for $10-15 in less popular state or national parks). Many Wal-Marts allow you to park overnight for free if you want to sleep in your car (why? because in the morning, you head inside to buy food, so it's win-win).

As for food, if you cook your own chili, noodles, potatoes and so on, you can eat for under $5/day, no problem.

Of course, to you this would probably seem like a shit vacation, but many people like sleeping under the stars (really alone - not crammed in over-crowded NP campsites), being on their own, enjoy cooking simple food and the challenge of it all. It can be a fun game, and you don't need to be near anyone to mooch off of to make it happen. In fact, the fewer people, the better.

m7413 karma

It's a reasonable question, and it turns out that in humans, lowering the atmospheric pressure, called hypoxia, is one of the best ways to die - people who have come close to death usually report peacefulness and euphoria. They did a lot of studies on this with astronauts.