Highest Rated Comments

lysdexia-ninja162 karma

I like you guys. I'm going to try Opera.

Well played.

lysdexia-ninja33 karma

Everyone can relate!

lysdexia-ninja14 karma

Go on...

lysdexia-ninja8 karma

Banana hammock.

lysdexia-ninja2 karma

What is your favorite band and/or who are your favorite musical artists?

I'm a huge fan of your work and for some reason I can't quite put my finger on, I feel this means you must have good taste in music.

And just a comment on Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close; I'm not the kind of guy that flips ahead in a book and when I started approaching the end I started expecting some kind of definitive resolution. I believe that the exact thought running through my head was something along the lines of, "alright awesome, there's like 15 pages where everything gets tied together icantwaiticantwaitciweaucpiawuedbpwei!!Q"


Imagine my shock.

After my dumbfounded rage subsided I came to realize that that was the best possible ending that could have been "written." That book sticks vividly with me and I'd just like to thank you for it.