Highest Rated Comments

lumaleelumabop9 karma

Welp, it's back. Is this advertising working for you? I attempted to sign up for Yotta after the last AMA but my information could not be verified or something something and I was straight up denied. Im guessing it has to do with me getting a name change but not having all of my accounts reflect it. Your support team just refused to take any legal documents proving my identity and said I was simply barred from joining.

Super weird.

lumaleelumabop2 karma

If Putin were assassinated tomorrow, how would Russia react?

lumaleelumabop2 karma

Well yea, I don't disagree, but I feel the glasses are on par with cell phones and especially smart watches we have already today. Not saying I LIKE that particularly, but I've accepted the current level of privacy infractions. My honest opinion is unless directly criminal things are happening- illegal recordings, or using my location data to stalk me, or selling my biometric data so they can steal my credit cards, or anything else like that- I don't honestly care. But I see how the recordings thing is scary. I just don't think the glasses made it any more scary than already available tech.

lumaleelumabop1 karma

Honestly... I always thought it was fine. It's as invasive as cell phone is today. I can easily hold my phone in a nondescript way and start recording. I can easily take pics nobody will see. My phone has no "recording light" like Glass did. I thought the verbal commands DID make it easier to not worry about it. People sensationalized it but it literally already happens with cell phones and apple watches and everything in between.