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luckystarTS3 karma

Hey Cavin! Fellow coma survivor over here! I was in a coma for 18 Days and pretty much had a very similar recovery. It has been 6 Years since the car accident that put me into a coma, and I have been fighting depression ever since I woke up. I am certainly very capable now of just about anything, but I feel as though I lost some of my intelligence. It takes me longer to do things then it used to. Sounds like you are doing great! Best of luck in your endeavors!

luckystarTS2 karma

Hey Cavin, I completely agree with the mental stimulation. Before my accident I had an academic scholarship to an automotive engineering school, Kettering University. After my accident, and the coma, I woke up and it took about 6 months to physically rehabilitate, but mentally I was extremely impaired. I spent another 6 months living with my parents and made the decision to go to an automotive trade school. I completed that, got a job and then started going to community college part time. Now I am attending Virginia Tech part time pursuing my 4 year degree while working full time as an electronics repair technician. It will be a long haul to get my degree but I will get there.

Edit: The way I have always described my recovery has been the following: All my memories and knowledge were contained in a complex network of neurons. The accident broke every single neuron connection and scattered the locations of all these links. The recovery has been slowly finding those correct locations and powering up sections of the network.

luckystarTS2 karma

How do two kidneys have 300% function? I don't think percentages work the way you think they do.

luckystarTS1 karma

Hey, fellow survivor. I was in a car accident 6 years ago that put me in a coma for 18 days. The only injury I sustained was a CG fistula, my brain was bleeding into my eye socket pushing it out. My vision is a little worse and I am fully recovered now, but when I first woke up I could not walk or count to five on my fingers. Good to hear you are recovering as well.

luckystarTS1 karma

Has any admins verified this? There is little proof to be honest.