Highest Rated Comments

luckynosevin545 karma

What was the last straw that made you finally blow the whistle?

luckynosevin439 karma

I don't think he's going to answer that because it just went in his idea book

luckynosevin17 karma

That's why they suggested boarding last. That way people with legitimate need get the seating they require.

luckynosevin11 karma

I think you're misunderstanding the audience for the above comment. The myth they're referring to is not one commonly believed by academia or professionals, but rather the patients. A lot of patients, my Grandma included, believe their days of weight-bearing, strenuous physical activity are over after they receive an osteoarthritis diagnosis.

The response was simply referencing a meta-analysis that reinforces the antithesis of that myth - that even after an osteoarthritis diagnosis, weight-bearing, strenuous activity can be healthy for the joints. I also don't think the meta-analysis even mentions jumping, pivoting, and twisting, so I'm not sure why you're suggesting OP is recommending that.

The response wasn't incorrect or misleading; it just didn't go deeper than layman science and you, as a professional in the field, felt it was incomplete.

luckynosevin1 karma

What if there was a comment page somewhere on the website where people could state their stance on the issue? People on the fence could read through them to help them with their decision.