Highest Rated Comments

luckiesdoublecold1 karma

I am Jack, thank's I replied to the comment, i'm in the middle of creating specific questions which could aide my writing. Thanks for the patience!

luckiesdoublecold1 karma

To post on your timeline I need to add you as a friend? Would this be okay as your privacy settings prevent me from posting. Thanks again

luckiesdoublecold1 karma

You've obviously seen scenes of atrocities and harsh realisations, how did you deal with these instances?

Also as I'm in the middle of writing my dissertation on the ethicality of documentary and war photography. I was wondering as to what your stance on that is; do you feel that photographers should be morally obliged to photograph these scenes? or do you feel that the ethicality of photographing individuals in either compromising situations or scenes of violence is correct?

Thanks, I love your work btw!

luckiesdoublecold1 karma

Thank you very much!

I'll definitely get in contact with you over the next week in regards to my dissertation; thanks for taking your time out to help!