Highest Rated Comments

lpisme1250 karma

No, that's not really true (what a surprise). This is an AMA; by and large, these are very civil and interesting discussions with interesting people. You are so blatantly a propaganda mouthpiece -- read just about all your replies -- that it is beyond comical that you try to take some moral highground.

No sir, online discussions tend to be different in this space. But you're just so much of a farce that you deserve to be ridiculed away.

lpisme273 karma

What's your favorite kind of beer? And what kind of beer were you guys drinking on the Man Show? I've kind of always been curious.

lpisme159 karma

Can you provide any kind of related peer-reviewed studies or at least scientific analysis on what you are purporting?

There should be a caveat on here because frankly I feel there is a bit of false hope, false advertising, and unkind practice. If you have ADHD, don't stop your medication. Don't expect this to work.

Frankly, if it DID work, there would be established studies. Not saying it doesn't work but getting a NSF grant doesn't really mean a damn thing other than this MIGHT work.

When you're talking about mental illness and discussing what people may or may not suffer from, you really need to be more careful with your wording. ESPECIALLY since this AMA is gaining traction.

All of that said I do wish you the best of luck and I truly, truly do hope this turns into a proven method of treatment; it's a wonderful idea and I hope you guys keep up the good work. I also hope you realize this comment isn't an attack but rather a warning flag for those who may read too much into this.

lpisme151 karma

Those who failed the test were promptly sacrificed to the gods of the Hidden Temple, right?

lpisme147 karma

Kink has a place but shouldn't be at all prominence. And I say that as a gay dude who loves Pride.

Folsom Street Fair takes care of the kink. But run-of-the-mill Pride does include families and kids in strollers and it shouldn't be OK to be walking your dude down kiosk row with a gimp mask and collar while he is on all fours. Pup play is fine too but just keep it decent.

Do I sound like a prude? I am kinky as fuck in private. But I want Pride to be seen as a positive environment for all folks.
