Highest Rated Comments

lordxela53 karma

How difficult is it to clean one of these?

lordxela20 karma

Ya, came here scouring Kerrigan deets, AMA over and no one bothered!

lordxela10 karma

That sort of reasoning is why they see it that way lol. You breathing air doesn't give you anymore right to environmental concerns than anyone else.

lordxela9 karma

This comment (not you, personally) advocates for electors to do one thing, while not necessarily going along with the popular vote, and at the bottom calls for an end to the electoral college. If not the electoral college, I have to assume popular vote, which would be Hillary, correct? Which is it? Should electors act like electors, or should they see themselves out? (and vote Hillary?)

This comment acts as if the electors are stuck in a bipartisan deadlock, but assumes that this was not true for the voters. In the eyes if many, it was Hillary or Trump. If we assume that partisanship should not matter to these electors, then it shouldn't matter for the voters, (which, in reality, did) and we can't actually know who the popular vote was. (Because voters behaved in a bipartisan manner)

This comment laments that electors have to play mind games in this situation, while advocating mind games of its own. I can't take it seriously.

lordxela5 karma

Hey Mike, fellow military officer here. What do you think those who have served in the armed forces can contribute to public office?

I typically agree with "conservatives", but UBI interests me. One of your responses says you actually have a plan for how this will work, I assume for just the state of Kentucky. Can you explain, or link me to, and tell me who helped you create it?