Highest Rated Comments

lord_d14 karma

I'm a little late... My question is, do you feel the shooter should've been held more responsible than he was? And he was only suspended?!? He should've been expelled.

lord_d13 karma

Any tips for someone aspiring to become an aerospace engineer? (If that's your area)

lord_d11 karma

Just looked at kickstarter. I wont have enough money by time the event runs out to order a custom one. How much will price increase?

lord_d11 karma

Okay. I will probably order one. You mentioned designs, could I get a custom one? I would love one with a Saturn V rocket on it.

lord_d11 karma

Have you gotten big chain stores to sell them yet? If so, which stores? Or any stores in Florida I could get one from? I prefer small businesses over large companies