Highest Rated Comments

lonelyinbama8 karma


lonelyinbama4 karma

We've all been there buddy. Learn from it and move on, it's all you can do.

lonelyinbama3 karma

Im a Petco employee and understand how terrible we are in terms of breeding hamsters and all that. However, I gotta have a job. What can we do to help the greater good of hamsters in this country? Is there anything that we can do that won't get me fired that will help hamsters?

lonelyinbama2 karma

First off I want to say thanks for doing this AMA, I've been a huge fan for about 8 years now and have seen you in concert 7 times. I have two questions.

  • 1. Does it ever get frustrating that, just from what i've seen at your shows, that a large number of people only know 2 or 3 of your songs when you have such an amazing collection of songs?
  • 2. What the fuck happened in Chattanooga that pissed you off so bad you wrote a song about it?

Once again, thanks for doing this AMA, cant wait for the new record to come out.

lonelyinbama1 karma

yeah I've heard the song, just kinda wanted to know exactly what happened. I know a lot of songs, especially Corey's, mix actual facts with fiction to make the song work better. Just wondering what actually happened and how it went down.