Highest Rated Comments

lolnotacop42018 karma

I've heard its illegal for anyone growing (medical OR recreational) to posses firearms? Even if they are legal firearms (IE not stolen or in possession of a felon)

How true is this? Federal wise, true, state wise, not true? Sorry if that doesn't make sense, I am high.

lolnotacop4202 karma

You're fuckin great in the show man. I seen em all but one that sicks out is the hovercraft one man shit had me fuckin LOLin and it takes alot for me to laugh at a show. Waymond ratted you out bra. Do you improvise alot or is it mostly scripted? I feel you all probably improv ALOT

lolnotacop4201 karma

It's funny 'cause he never talks. He just ninjas around everywhere creatin mischief