Highest Rated Comments

loganprometheus11 karma

Hey guys. With the Hollow Earth/Lost World concept, are there some particular stories you have drawn inspiration from or pay homage to, like maybe Jules Verne, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, or some comic book stories?

loganprometheus2 karma

I'd say the motion blur associated with 24 FPS is more unreal. The human eye can see something close to 200 FPS at least, and with 24 FPS it is often very hard to see what is going on in action scenes. 48 FPS doesn't even come close yet to what the human eye is capable of seeing.

loganprometheus2 karma

What are your opinions on the future of film, should filmmakers change to higher frame rates (48 fps, like Peter Jackson and James Cameron are doing). And what about 3D?

loganprometheus2 karma

Will we get more Star Wreck someday?

loganprometheus1 karma

According to IMDB, you used Red One MX to shoot Iron Sky. What kind of camera setup do you have for The Coming Race?