Highest Rated Comments

lntrn491 karma

Yes, my nerd moment has arrived.

It's Brian K. Vaughan.

lntrn359 karma

Welcome Home

lntrn73 karma

So my girlfriend just confessed to me that she played your games when she was much younger in the mid 90s. She's surpassed me as a gamer now.

Thanks for ruining my relationship!

lntrn25 karma

Are you guys looking for QA now? :P

lntrn3 karma

How is it that no one mentioned that you have Asperger Syndrome!? That's amazing.

Would you say that your condition only makes you a better rapper? Since people I know that share it have an amazing attention to detail and lore. You said yourself that your vocabulary is huge.

Some more questions for you not about your condition:

Who makes your beats? They're pretty filthy.

Who are your rap influences? Your raps flow pretty well.

Do you prewrite your raps or freestyle over the beat? I'm not familiar with the british process for rapping.