Highest Rated Comments

lithographia6 karma

They're making a joke about the double use of IamA in the title - please do ignore them, and thanks for taking your time to answer our questions today

lithographia3 karma

Do you know the artist Stik? Was he part of the C&H collective? Or did he just rip your style? Or you ripped his style? Or is it just a big coincidence because it's a simple way to draw figures? Link for those interested

lithographia2 karma

Did you photograph any of the more recent protest movements - May Day protests, Occupy, G7 Summits - and if so, how did the atmosphere compare to the major civil rights events you list from the 60s / 70s?

lithographia2 karma

Very true!

lithographia1 karma

Everyone has their workplace screw up story... so, did you ever run out of film at an inopportune time? Or accidentally destroy negatives?