Highest Rated Comments

limonflora8 karma

Song that people testing guitars play that makes you want to pull your hair out?

limonflora6 karma

Have you considered mentoring some other transitioning youth? Your story is really inspiring. I've met some other smart kids that don't have the necessary support who could definitely benefit. Particularly being denied that internship and continuing to apply, you must have a really indomitable spirit.

limonflora3 karma

I have a vp shunt too for similar reasons and have'nt had it checked in three years due to the cost, even when I had insurance which covered very little.

limonflora1 karma

Are you impressed with the skills and knowledge of your colleagues or is it just like any other professional job where you are impressed with some and think to yourself about others-how did they pass the same tests that I did to get here?

limonflora1 karma

Did you tremble being near the awesomeness of Neil deGrasse Tyson?