Highest Rated Comments

lime-cake1507 karma

Can you share some interesting attempts to wake you up? Did people try bringing food you love in an attempt to see if you move? Or deliver some shocking news in hopes of jolting you awake?

lime-cake294 karma

That's very touching...

Do pardon my curiosity (or perhaps, morbid curiosity). This might sound insensitive considering your history... But have anyone said mean things during your coma? Or hear doctor/nurse say things they didn't think you'd hear? Like things that they definitely shouldn't be saying about a patient.

lime-cake5 karma

Thank you. That's a very brilliant way of approaching this topic. That's always something that bothered me. I always think it's hard teaching a kid to be honest, while lying blatantly in his/her face. But the way you put it made things so much better.

lime-cake5 karma

At what age do you think it's suitable to let kids know Santa isn't real? Do you think it's better for them to keep the magic?

lime-cake2 karma

Have you considered moving to other language? While java might seen like a good choice in 2013, it's basically garbage right now. The various modern game engine is much better and more efficient as of now