Highest Rated Comments

limacharles14 karma

I'm a former Marine, but damn you're an OG when you say "Yeah, I remember when they just decided to call the Army something else. You know, when I was in the goddamn Army."

limacharles5 karma

I read this username as Xbox_Support_Threeway.

I don't reddit well.

limacharles2 karma

Based on some of those linked pictures, I'm not surprised by your ejaculation here

limacharles2 karma

Fellow Louisvillian here to report that our food is awesome, we appreciate food trucks of all sorts, and I would also like to report that Kentucky is the finest commonwealth in the Union.

Double report complete, goodnight and goodluck. /u/mysticspirals please join me in a snow dance so that my classes are cancelled tomorrow.

That is all.