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liljakeyplzandthnx139 karma

The conversation that led to the guest spot:

JAMES: When's the recording? I'll be Mirkin my calendar!

DAVE: We're willing to work with you. We'll Taylor the recording schedule to meet your needs.

JAMES: (☞゚∀゚)☞

DAVE: ☜(゚∀゚☜)

liljakeyplzandthnx108 karma


liljakeyplzandthnx52 karma

Hi Ray! If you could go back in time and tell yourself not to get a movie role, would you? If so, what role would you choose?

Have there been any instances where you were broken up about not getting a part, but looking back are now glad you didn't?

liljakeyplzandthnx29 karma

He's savage!

liljakeyplzandthnx23 karma

Hi James! First of all, thanks for so many years of wonderful music. Your talent has entertained millions round the world, myself included. Now to my questions:

What do you do when you can't think of anything to write down?

Which of your songs did you least expect to get popular?